Wednesday 17 August 2016

About North York After School Club

North York After School Club (NYASC) is a creative and educational environment for children 512
years of age. At NYASC we focus on providing children with a calm and nurturing environment. Where
they can do their homeworks, make friends, attend enrichment programs and most importantly have fun.
All children will have the option of choosing between a wide variety of programs. NYASC brings
together children from different cultures. We offer an off site program to existing educational centres
including: DayToDay
program and Educational material. Our instructors and teachers are carefully
selected to meet all of Ministry of Education standards.
We also provide a wide variety of programs and activities during PA days, March Break, Winter Break
and Summer Camps, including:
P.A Days

On PA Days children will get a chance to review their lessons and also they deserve to have fun times
as well.During winter time P.A Days, we will provide indoor activities and field trips such as exploring
Art exhibitions and toronto’s museums, going to theatres and live shows. During warmer P.A Days
children will have the opportunity to have an introduction to planting & gardening, express their
emotions while making art works in nature and outdoor sport activities. Children will be engaged with
tons of crafts and roll plays ,cooking and baking ,music,yoga and much more….

March Break (March 14 to 18)

During the week of March break we will help children to have fun and also we will enrich their brains
by giving them a beneficial learning program so they won't lose track of school works. We also offer
many different indoor & outdoor activities and programs,such as excursions to adventure camps ,science
camps ,beach volleyball,hockey,soccer ,Art & photography and many more.

Winter Break Camp ( December 19 to 23)

Join us for some frosty fun at North York Winter Camp! Daily activities include:
ski trips, dance , cooking, arts & crafts, karaoke and many many more to be announced closer to the dates.
Back To School Promotion
25% OFF of Program Fees
Some Conditions Apply
Contact us Today:
213-222 Finch Ave West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M2R 1M6


  • Eitz Chaim School
  • RJ Lang Elementary
  • Lester B Pearson
  • Wilmington
  • St. Edward

Daily Schedule
Bellow you can see a sample of what happens in a day at North york  After School Club:
3:20 p.m.
3:20 to 4:00 p.m.
Wahroon, Snack and socializing
4:00 to 4:15 p.m.
Free play
(Art related to theme of the week,Board games,Reading story books.....)
4:15 to 4:45 p.m.
Home work program
(Children will complete their homework, additional reading, math,language and silence sheets if they have no homework)
4:15 to 5;00 p.m.
Free play
(Art related to theme of the week,Board games,Reading story books.....)
5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Extracurricular activities
-Mondays,Wednesdays and Thursdays
( Yoga , Outdoor activities, Gym)

(Baking and cooking club, music,

(Memory Games on iPad,chess ,movie day every other week )
6:00 p.m.

Pick up

  • After School Policies

Admission Requirements and Procedure
Our program admits children 5 to 12 years of age and has the capacity for 20 children. Registration can take place either in person or online. Since we follow a paperless system, all forms have to be submitted online. Siblings will receive a %10 discount.

Registration, Fees and Deposit
Upon registration a nonrefundable administration fee of $50 per child will be charged along with first month’s tuition fee plus a %25 of full year tuition. If a child wishes to withdraw from the program at any time, they will have to inform the director 60 days ahead of time. In the case of prompt notice the deposit will be fully refunded. We have an ongoing registration system. Fees are due first day of each month.

North York After School Club Fee Schedule:

  1. $35 per day for before and after school program (includes all enrichment programs, material and snack)
  2. $70 per day for PA days, holiday and summer camps (includes all enrichment programs, material and snack)

Part Time program
Part time care will be available at same rates depending on capacity. Priority is always with full time students.

Safe Arrival/Drop off
If your child is sick, late or will not attend the after school that day, we must be notified by 2:30 by telephoning 416-828-7448. On days we have out of school programs, children will need to arrive half an hour before departure. We have a drop off area at the back of the building which is recommended for drop offs.

We Pick Up
We pick up from close by schools.

Children Arriving By School Bus
Staff will await for school buses according to the arrival times as outlined by parents. Buses will be given a 15 to 20 minutes leeway. After 15 to 20 minutes the following emergency steps will occur:

Step 1: Call school and bus company to see if the bus is late or child is on the bus,
Step 2: Call parents on numbers provided in the file at least 3 times and then
emergency contacts.

If the child’s whereabouts are still unknown, Police and City of Toronto Children's Services will be involved under Serious Occurrence procedure.

Daily Departure/ Pick Up and late Fees
If the child is going home on their own, a written consent from parents is required to be signed by both parent and centre director.  If parents are picking children up earlier or later than 5:45 to 6:00 p.m. centre should be notified in advance. In case of late pick up, After 6:00 p.m. a late Fee of $10 will be charged for the first 10 minutes, and after that $1 per minute. The late fee is to be paid in cash to staff and parents should sign the late policy form.

If your child is not picked up by 6:00 pm, and no parent/guardian or emergency contacts can be reached, our staff are legally obligated, under The Child and Family Services Act (CFSA) 1999, to report the matter to Children’s Aid Society of Toronto after an hour at 7:00 pm.

Health Policy
Children that are sick should not attend the program. We highly recommend to not to send children if they have fever or any communicable diseases and if they attend under these conditions, the centre is allowed to send the child back. Children will be accepted 24 hours after the fever. In case of vomiting and diarrhea more than 3 times at the centre, staff are allowed to send the child back. Children will be accepted at the centre 24 hours after the vomiting and diarrhea. In case of children getting sick at the centre, parents should pick the child up no later than and hour after being notified.

Children will be provided with tasty, fresh and healthy snacks that are nuts free. We will provide parents with weekly snack menu at the beginning of each week.

Parents will be asked to fill in an anaphylaxis form for children with severe allergies. Parents will be also asked to train staff with certain procedures.

An incident form will be filled by our staff upon occurrence of any accident. The report will be discussed with parents upon pick up. Parents will be asked to sign the accident form and a copy will remain on the file.

Only ECE certified staff are allowed to administer prescribed medications to children. In order for any kind of medication to be administered a medication form needs to be filled in by parents and a copy of prescription will be kept on the file. We do not administer over the counter medicine.

Withdrawal from Program
In case of withdrawal decision, centre should be notified 60 days before the date of withdrawal. A written request will be required to proceed. There will be a full refund if the notice is 60 days prior to withdrawal date.

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